Daniel G. Reid Laid to Rest in Richmond, Indiana
history, Daniel Reid Jane Holman history, Daniel Reid Jane Holman

Daniel G. Reid Laid to Rest in Richmond, Indiana

Daniel Gray Reid was laid to rest in his home town of Richmond, Indiana on January 20, 2025, after his passing on January 17, 2025 in New York City. His funeral was held in the magnificent Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church which he had gifted to the city of his youth.

His body, along with both his parents, his first wife, Ella, young son, Frank, and sister, Virginia, is interred at the Reid Mausoleum in Earlham Cemetery in Richmond, Indiana.

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Cornerstone Laying Ceremony
history Jane Holman history Jane Holman

Cornerstone Laying Ceremony

The cornerstone for the Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church and Reid Memorial Hospital were both laid on the same day in 1904. Daniel G. Reid’s generous contributions left an indelible mark on his hometown of Richmond, Indiana.

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Resurrection Window by Tiffany Studios
windows, tiffany, history Jane Holman windows, tiffany, history Jane Holman

Resurrection Window by Tiffany Studios

In this Memorial Window, the two men honored are William S. Reid and Andrew F. Scott, both long-time elders in the congregation. The title is "Three Marys at the Tomb" and "Two Angels of the Resurrection". This was created by Frederick Wilson specifically for Reid's project and shows a very unique perspective. In this scene, the viewers are inside the tomb looking out.

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Biography of Daniel G. Reid
biography, history Jane Holman biography, history Jane Holman

Biography of Daniel G. Reid

Daniel Gray Reid (1858-1925) was born near Richmond, Indiana and became a benefactor to his hometown after he made his fortune. After honing his business skills in Richmond, he and his partners became successful at manufacturing tin-plate. This entrepreneur became extremely wealthy after a buyout from J.P. Morgan when he formed U.S. Steel. D. G. Reid donated the Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church to this community in memory of his mother and father.

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Memorial Window
history, windows Jane Holman history, windows Jane Holman

Memorial Window

This beautiful Tiffany Studios window, located on the south side of the building, was created as a memorial to Daniel G. Reid’s parents and dedicated in 1906. Learn about the symbolism featured in this window.

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1906 Chime History
history, bells Jane Holman history, bells Jane Holman

1906 Chime History

In 1906 a set of 10 bells produced by the Meneely Bell Company were installed as a chime in the bell tower at the Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, now known as The Reid Center, in Richmond, Indiana. Although not currently operational, these bells remain with the building, awaiting their chance to ring again.

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