Join us for a free concert on Wednesday, March 15th when the talented Carolyn Duning Ripp PLUS will entertain us during our second Reid LIVE! concert in March.
Carolyn Duning Ripp, photo credit: Flavio Valle
Carolyn Duning Ripp began her organ studies here in Richmond, Indiana at Earlham College when she was 10 years old on the organ that was in Carpenter Hall with Robert S. Byrd. Already well versed in the liturgy of the church, she began playing full services at age 11 and has since played professionally for over 55 years. She studied and had instruction in baroque organ music in Austria on a wide variety of organs with emphasis on German, Italian and Spanish compositions.
All events last 45-50 minutes and are open to the public. Admission is free.
Come when you can, go when you must. We're looking forward to seeing you!
Parking: On-street parking is available along North A, 10th St, and 11th St. There is a lot north of the church accessible from the alley between 10th and 11th Streets. The municipal parking lot on 10th St. between Main and North A is a short walk.
Accessibility: The historic church presents a number of accessibility challenges. The south entrance (along North A Street) has an accessible ramp to the door. Once inside, there is a stairway of about 8 steps to the main level. On the left is a handrail, and on the right is a lift chair. The only restroom on the main level is not wheelchair accessible. If you require assistance, please contact us to see how we can facilitate your access.
This program is made possible in part with support from the Wayne County Foundation and donors like you.